Although both are classified as wild blueberries, they are different species. Canadian wild blueberries, scientifically known as Vaccinium angustifolium, thrive in low-bush environments, while European wild blueberries, or Vaccinium myrtillus, are often known as huckleberries.
Canadian wild blueberries are generally smaller in size compared to their cultivated counterparts, with a darker color and a powdery blue hue. European wild blueberries, also called huckleberries, are even smaller and have a deep blue to purple color.
The flavor profiles of these berries also differ. Canadian wild blueberries offer a delicious mix of sweet and tart notes, with subtle earthy undertones. European wild blueberries, especially bilberries, on the other hand, present a more intense, tangy flavor, often described as richer compared to other blueberry varieties.
Growing areas:
Canadian wild blueberries are primarily found in regions such as Nova Scotia and Quebec in Canada, as well as parts of the northeastern United States. European wild blueberries, or huckleberries, flourish in several European countries, including Scandinavia, the Alps, and the British Isles.
Cultural Significance:
Both varieties have cultural significance in their respective regions. Canadian wild blueberries are celebrated in Canada and the northeastern United States, where they are used in culinary creations and revered during festivals. Likewise, European wild blueberries, especially bilberries, have been cherished for centuries in traditional European cuisine and herbal medicine.

Overall, both Canadian and European wild blueberries share similarities as wild fruits, but have unique characteristics in terms of species, appearance, flavor, growing areas, and cultural significance.
Here also a comparison is made between the different berries. Canadian Wild Blueberry X Nordic Wild Blueber