Hydrating Coconut

Hydrating Coconut

This Hydrating Coconut bowl is the perfect way to start your day and they double as an energy-packed lunch! Plus, they're packed with tons of antioxidants that are said to be all the rage when it comes to weight loss and lowering the risk of certain diseases

5 minutes
2 persons
Breakfast and snacks


1 pack 100g Acai pulp
1 banana
1/3 cup coconut water or vanilla almond milk

Necessary kitchen utensils



1 Blend the 2 frozen acai packs in a blender with the banana and coconut water or almond milk until thick and smooth like a smoothie.

Great toppings include : sliced ​​strawberries, sliced ​​bananas, toasted coconut, and crumbled granola. Enjoy immediately.