1. Place the frozen banana together with the frozen blueberries, a handful of ice cubes, the coconut water and the pureed Acai pulp in your blender.
2. Blend this until smooth. Make sure your blender can handle ice cubes and frozen fruit. Tip: Otherwise use fresh fruit.
3. Basically you now have an Acai smoothie. But I'm going to make a smoothie bowl. Pour the smoothie into 2 bowls, or make 1 big one.
4. Garnish the Acai bowl with the muesli, grated coconut and some strawberries and fresh blueberries.
Serve the Acai bowl immediately.
Prima mooie zakken
Ontving de bosbessen per courier. Gelijk eentje open gemaakt en geproefd. Jawel, smaakte net zoals vroeger. Ben er erg blij mee.
Deze bessen zijn heerlijk!
Drops zijn super handig te doseren en het is zo lekker :)