Maak een Smoothie!

Make a Smoothie!

It's not only in the summer that we crave fresh and fruity drinks. A smoothie is ideal! With our ready-made packaging, you can easily make them yourself and take them with you.

5 minutes
Breakfast and snacks


Regardless of the details, the basics are always the same:

Choose a base:

Acai pulp, Frozen berries, Banana or Ice

Choose a liquid:

Dairy or Soy, Water, Coconut water, Juice or Yogurt

Add a flavor:

Fresh Fruit, Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Ginger (or other spices!)

Necessary kitchen utensils



1. In a blender, combine the liquid, fruits, and flavors. Blend everything on low speed at first, then build up to the fastest until everything is well blended.

2. Next, add your Acai and additional base ingredients. Continue blending until the smoothie is thick and smooth.

Have fun!