Passievrucht smoothie bowl

Passion fruit smoothie bowl

Originally from South America, this tropical fruit has a thick yellow or purple skin that is not edible, but look inside and you will find hundreds of sweet, pungent and aromatic seeds. Passionfruit is a very strong source of fiber, which is an essential part of a healthy diet, as it is the substance that allows for healthy digestion of food and the regulation of bowel movements.

7 min
2 persons
Breakfast and snacks


2 banana
2 bags passion fruit puree 100g (Acai Amsterdam)
A cup of ice cream

Good toppings are: Strawberries, Blueberries, Red Dragon Fruit, Goji Berries & Chia Seeds

Necessary kitchen utensils



  1. Mix the bananas, puree and the cup of ice cream
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl
  3. Place the toppings as you wish