Tropical Green Smoothie |VG, GF &HP

Tropical Green Smoothie |VG, GF &HP

A delicious Green Smoothie. Green smoothies are packed with fiber and help lower cholesterol, keep you feeling fuller for longer and regulate your cleansing process. Separate the mix of fruits and vegetables in a tasty way to strengthen your body with vitamins A & C Recipe by @jengoesnuts

10 minutes
Breakfast and snacks


2 large handfuls of fresh spinach
1 slice of ginger
100g frozen mango @acaiamsterdam
100g frozen pineapple @acaiamsterdam
100 ml coconut water
1 scoop of clear vegan whey pineapple flavour @myproteinnl
vanilla extract


Necessary kitchen utensils



Blend everything together and if you want a thicker smoothie add less water, if you want a more liquid add more water! 🌱